If you are paying a mortgage on a vacant property the last thing you probably want to do is pay for home staging. Trying to determine to invest in having the property staged can be a tough decision.  As a professional Home Stager, I can tell you that I meet with people often who are struggling with this same question.  Let me give you the top 5 reasons why having your vacant home staged is one of the best investments you’ll make.

1. Today’s prospective buyers are searching online first. The homes that look the  best  online are the ones people will want to see. Homes that are staged look like they are well taken care of and more appealing.

2. When a home is vacant, buyers focus on the negatives. They have nothing else to look at so their eyes will zero in on the negatives i.e. the scratch on the wood floors, the scuffs on the wall or the chipped tile.  Home Staging is designed to accentuate the positive features of the home while de-emphasizing the negatives

3. People have a hard time visualizing how their will furniture fit. Small rooms  actually feel larger if the appropriate scale of furniture is used. If there is awkward space, furniture will help define it and give it a purpose.  Buyers typically don’t have a good imagination and some empty spaces might confuse buyers because there seems to be no purpose for the space.

4. Empty homes seem cold and uninviting. Furniture and the right accessories help people envision a particular lifestyle. People want to see themselves living in the house and raising their family and entertaining their  friends there.  You have only 10 seconds to make a first impression! It is difficult to make an emotional connection when the rooms are empty and lack the warmth and personality of the homes that have been stylishly furnished.

5.  Vacant homes statistically stay on the market longer than a home that has been staged, which in turn costs more money. When looking at a vacant home, buyers often will offer less money because they might think the owners are desperate or have fallen on hard times.  Statistically, homes that have been staged sell more quickly, and for more money!

Interiors Revitalized is a full-service home staging, model home merchandising, and interior design firm located in Jacksonville Florida.  In addition to Jacksonville, we serve the St. Johns, St. Augustine, Orange Park, Fleming Island, and Fernandina Beach areas. Contact us today at 904.625.2214 to discuss your home staging or interior design project.  We’ll make that first offer your best offer!

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Contact us today at 904.625.2214 to realize your dream room.